You’ve got one episode to pick as your #1 .. which one is it?

youve got one episode to pick as your 1 which one is it.jpeg
youve got one episode to pick as your 1 which one is it.jpeg

So many good ones to pick from .. for me it's Frank's Pretty Woman (s07 ep01)
So many things here. Intro to Fat Mac, Boiled Denim, Hoss Bonaventure, Diabetus, Frank offering an egg, Tiger Woods, Baby Dick, Roxy played phenomenally by Alanna Ubach and finally Franks monologue at the end has got to be one of the greatest eulogy's ever to be delivered on screen.

Read more: You’ve got one episode to pick as your #1 .. which one is it? Here’s a good article from So many good ones to pick from .. for me it's Frank's Pretty Woman (s07 ep01) So many things here. Intro to Fat Mac, Boiled Denim, Hoss Bonaventure, Diabetus, Frank offering an egg, Tiger Woods, Baby Dick, Roxy played phenomenally by Alanna Ubach and finally Franks monologue at the end has got to be one Continue here: You’ve got one episode to pick as your #1 .. which one is it?

