Pop Culture Jeopardy team name a pun on Parks and Rec

pop culture jeopardy team name a pun on parks and rec.jpeg
pop culture jeopardy team name a pun on parks and rec.jpeg

Pop Culture Jeopardy debuted on Prime Video today and one of the teams went with a Parks and Rec theme and called themselves the Punny Goddesses and dressed like the Pawnee Goddesses. Pretty great

Read more: Pop Culture Jeopardy team name a pun on Parks and Rec Here’s a new article from https://reddit.com/r/PandR/comments/1h6lid1/pop_culture_jeopardy_team_name_a_pun_on_parks_and/: Pop Culture Jeopardy debuted on Prime Video today and one of the teams went with a Parks and Rec theme and called themselves the Punny Goddesses and dressed like the Pawnee Goddesses. Pretty great Continue here: Pop Culture Jeopardy team name a pun on Parks and Rec

