Just finished season 1 for the first and it’s absolutely amazing!

just finished season 1 for the first and its absolutely amazing.jpeg
just finished season 1 for the first and its absolutely amazing.jpeg

Such an amazingly unhinged show.

My top 5 moments in season 1 are-

  1. When Lucille 1 hugs Micheal and says it’s gonna a be alright and then she buys the shares of the company lmao

  2. Tobias “well, that certainly leaves me out” during the new PR meeting.

  3. Barry doing nothing as a lawyer

  4. Gob screaming at Annyong

  5. JULIA LOUIS DREFUS!!! She’s my favourite and when I saw her I was so shocked!! Didn’t expect that at all.

Continue here: Just finished season 1 for the first and it’s absolutely amazing! Here’s an interesting post from https://reddit.com/r/arresteddevelopment/comments/1guslbu/just_finished_season_1_for_the_first_and_its/: Such an amazingly unhinged show. My top 5 moments in season 1 are- When Lucille 1 hugs Micheal and says it’s gonna a be alright and then she buys the shares of the company lmao Tobias “well, that certainly leaves me out” during the new PR meeting. Barry doing nothing as a lawyer Gob screaming More here: Just finished season 1 for the first and it’s absolutely amazing!

