Television“If there’s anything that majoring in Marketing with a minor in Theatre Studies has taught me, it’s that everybody has a brand. Nick, your brand is Gypsy Alcoholic Handyman. Winston, your brand is *Winston*” –Schmidt
TelevisionLots of stand-out lines in A Very Sunny Christmas but Denis’s delivery of “Oh you can go and fuck yourself in your fat fucking ass” is the highlight for me.
PandR, TelevisionIt always warms my heart when I think about how great of a family life this man has.
Modern_Family, Televisionunpop opinion: Alex would be the favourite child if she was raised in an asian family. (no hate)
TelevisionNick has the (in)famous “Panic Moonwalk.” What is your favorite go-to move/tick the others have?
TelevisionMr. Manager is our good person, decent at his job! Next is good person bad at their job, top comment wins!