This Free App Is the Best Way to Compress Files in Windows 11

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File compression is like the Marie Kondo of the digital realm. It takes your bloated, space-hogging files and neatly folds them into compact packages. But not all file compression apps are the same, and one free app tends to stand taller than the rest.


Introduction to File Compression

Whether you’re sending files via email, backing up data, or just trying to save precious disk space, file compression can help immensely. You can easily condense photos, videos, documents, and even entire folders.

File compression reduces a file’s size without significantly compromising its quality. Compression algorithms essentially identify and eliminate redundant data within the file.

Compressed files take up less storage space and are faster to transfer, locally or over a network. If you want to know more, you can always learn how file compression works to get a deeper look at its practical applications.

Windows 11 includes built-in functionality for basic file compression, allowing you to create and extract ZIP files. However, for more advanced compression needs, you’ll need a dedicated tool. This is where 7-Zip comes in.


7z Format is Better Than ZIP Files

ZIP files are like the old guard of compression. They’ve been around since the floppy disk era. They’re quite reliable but not always efficient.

7-Zip’s native format, 7z, often outperforms traditional ZIP in terms of compression ratio—it squeezes files tighter, resulting in smaller archives. This is particularly noticeable with large files or when compressing multiple files together.

7-Zip also takes advantage of modern computers’ multiple CPU cores to quicken the compression and extraction process. Additionally, 7z employs the AES-256 encryption algorithm, providing stronger security for your compressed files.


7Zip is a Versatile File Archiver

Options for creating a new 7z archive

7-Zip is a versatile compression tool that can handle various formats—ZIP, RAR, TAR, GZIP, and many more.

Like the built-in functionality in Windows for zipping a file, 7-Zip includes context menu integration so you can right-click any file or folder for quick access to compression and extraction options.

You can also create self-extracting archives—an EXE file that unzips an entire folder. These are quite handy for sharing files with non-tech-savvy friends, although many people are rightfully wary of clicking EXE files received in email or via a message these days.

7-Zip also offers a plethora of options for advanced users—you can adjust compression levels, set passwords, split archives into volumes, and more. If you are a command-line aficionado, 7-Zip also allows you to automate and integrate compression tasks into your scripts or batch files.

7-Zip is more than just a compression tool. It’s a versatile file archiver with a high compression ratio, and strong encryption. Its comprehensive features make it a valuable tool for anyone who regularly works with large files or needs to share data efficiently. Best of all, it’s completely free.


