Avery in the Office

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Favorite Avery quote?

A woman in our department is a mercilessly efficient, “naturally blonde”, ember-hot executive who reminds me of Avery.

Last week she told a fledgling newcomer that she ‘wasn’t good enough to even have imposters syndrome yet’, and I thought what of Avery would say to her Canadian-born daughter.

A most underrated interaction between her and Jack is:
Jack: “Alexander Hamilton was born in the West Indies. And he went on to—“
Avery: “—to what, Jack? Become a mouthpiece for federalism and then Die in a duel against someone named Aaron?!” Is that what you want our daughter to be? A big-government…duel loser?”f

Read more: Avery in the Office Here’s a new article from https://reddit.com/r/30ROCK/comments/1idzqzg/avery_in_the_office/: Favorite Avery quote? A woman in our department is a mercilessly efficient, “naturally blonde”, ember-hot executive who reminds me of Avery. Last week she told a fledgling newcomer that she ‘wasn’t good enough to even have imposters syndrome yet’, and I thought what of Avery would say to her Canadian-born daughter. A most underrated interaction Continue here: Avery in the Office

